Weblog as Place

This is for the fortnightly topic at Ecotone: Writing About Place. Other pieces are linked from here. If the subject interests you, you're welcome to add your link to the Ecotone page.

I think of my weblog as a window; the kind you see in very old paintings, where there is a room with a person in it (me), and then a view of wonderful things, seen only partially, outside. It's the outside - Chennai - India - South Asia - that's important, not the room that holds the window, or the person in the room. Except that the person in the room has manufactured the glass through which you see the view...

I see others' weblogs as windows into their rooms, with their partial and marvellous views beyond. Their doorways ajar, opening onto hidden courtyards. I want to enter those courtyards, see what is just beyond the window's frame. The weblogs that I like most allow me to imagine that I can.

Saint Jerome in his study (Thanks, Maria.)

(Alembic recently wrote about weblogs and place. And look at The World as a Blog and see the lights in so many windows.)

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